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Suggested Prayers for Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we remember those who gave their lives in service.  We ask those around the country to read the names of the Jewish fallen from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, these are suggested prayers from our museum chaplain Michael Bloom for religious services, community events and other observances.

Eil Maleh Rachamim for Fallen Service Members

Exalted, compassionate God,
Grant perfect peace in Your sheltering Presence,
Among the holy and the pure, whose radiance is like the heavens,
To all the men and women who gave their lives in defense of our country and the freedom of the world.
Master of mercy, may they find eternal shelter beneath Your sheltering wings, and may their souls be bound up in the bond of life, together with the righteous souls who stand in Your Presence.
May they rest with honor, and may their actions hasten the day when righteousness, peace and security shall prevail forever, when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war anymore” and when the Glory of the Eternal will be revealed, and all flesh and blood will see it together.
The fullness of blissful joy in Your Presence, at Your right hand forevermore. Amen.

Used with permission from the JWB Jewish Chaplains Council.

Prayer for Our Country and our Military Personnel

God of our ancestors, who gives salvation to nations and strength to governments, bless and safeguard our country, the United States of America, and the people who dwell therein.

May love and harmony ever be found among the citizens of our land.
Implant in the hearts of all the people a steadfast purpose to work as one for the safeguarding of freedom, justice, and peace.

Supreme Sovereign of all, protect and help our President. Shield him/her against all sickness and injury. Grant to him/her and to all the constituted officers of our government such wisdom and understanding that they may lead our nation in justice and righteousness. In their days and ours may Judah be saved and Israel
dwell in safety.

We beseech You, 0 God, to shield and protect our armed forces, in the air, on sea, and on land. Bless them with victory. May it be Your will that the dominion of tyranny and cruelty speedily be brought to an end and the reign of righteousness be established on earth, with liberty and freedom for all mankind. Amen.

Used with permission from the JWB Jewish Chaplains Council.

Prayer for Veterans

By Rabbi Michael Bloom

Give thanks to the Eternal, for God is good, His mercy endures forever.
Avinu Shebashamayim – O Sovereign of the universe, bless our nation, The United States of America.
Safeguard it and its ideals of freedom and liberty.
Bless our Veterans, our Defenders of Liberty , who braved danger to defend us from tyranny.
Grant healing and recovery to those who have been wounded physically or emotionally.
Keep their spirits high and make them resilient in the aftermath of danger and loss.
Grant our Veterans opportunities to attest to the sincerity of their gratitude, as we today attest to our gratitude to them and to our reliance on You.
May they find spiritual joy in love of home and family, and in faithfulness to your Torah.
We pray for individual and collective peace and tranquility.
None who puts faith in You need ever feel friendless or forsaken.
Baruch Atah Hashem, Gomel Chassadim Tovim.
And Let us all say, Amen.

Open Monday - Friday 9 - 5. Closed for Passover Tues, April 23rd and Wed, April 24th.