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Events in January–March 2022

  • - Webinar: A Jewish Chaplain's Vietnam Memoir
    Webinar: A Jewish Chaplain's Vietnam Memoir

    Category: General Webinar: A Jewish Chaplain's Vietnam Memoir

    February 10, 2022

    Rabbi Sheldon Lewis joins us to discuss his book Letters Home: A Jewish Chaplain's Vietnam Memoir.

    Rabbi Lewis was deployed to Vietnam as an Army chaplain from 1970 to 1971 to be present with Jewish personnel in the Central Highlands. Serving men and women drafted into a morally fraught war with increasing protest back home, he tried to bring a listening ear and the comfort of Jewish tradition to lonely and conflicted people. Fifty years later, from letters sent home, he retells and relives the drama and agony of serving in that era.


  • - Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power
    Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power

    Category: General Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power

    March 20, 2022

    Marc Wortman joins us to discuss his new book.

    Known as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy,” Admiral Hyman George Rickover (1899–1986) remains an almost mythical figure in the United States Navy. A brilliant engineer with a ferocious will and combative personality, he oversaw the invention of the world’s first practical nuclear power reactor. As important as the transition from sail to steam, his development of nuclear-propelled submarines and ships transformed naval power and Cold War strategy. They still influence world affairs today.

    His disdain for naval regulations, indifference to the chain of command, and harsh, insulting language earned him enemies in the navy, but his achievements won him powerful friends in Congress and the White House. A Jew born in a Polish shtetl, Rickover ultimately became the longest-serving U.S. military officer in history.

    In this exciting new biography, historian Marc Wortman explores the constant conflict Rickover faced and provoked, tracing how he revolutionized the navy and Cold War strategy.

    Marc Wortman is an independent historian and award-winning freelance journalist. His books include 1941: Fighting the Shadow War: A Divided America in a World at WarThe Bonfire: The Siege and Burning of Atlanta, and The Millionaires’ Unit: The Aristocratic Flyboys Who Fought the Great War and Invented American Air Power.

Open Monday - Friday 9 - 5. Dupont-Kalorama Museum Walk Weekend May 18th and 19th! Open 11 - 4.