To arrange a tour of the National Museum of American Jewish Military History call 202-265-6280. School group tours are available during our regular hours Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00 and Sunday by appointment from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Admission is free, donations are appreciated.
We can customize a program on many aspects of the history of Jews in the American military based on your interests or curriculum. This includes focusing on a specific war or time period, the Holocaust, the Jewish immigrant experience in the military or other topics.
Preparing for a visit
Think about stereotypes and Jewish ones in particular. Do these Jewish stereotypes match the idea of American Jews in the military?
Discuss what it’s like to be in the military. How is life in service different than civilian life? Do you think there are specific challenges to being Jewish in the American military?
Review the major conflicts in U.S. history to ensure that students are aware of the basics of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Iraq War and War in Afghanistan.
Watch this video in advance of your visit to allow more time for in-building activities.
In museum activities
Day in the Life of a Soldier investigation guide of our permanent exhibit (grades 4 – 8).
Study Collection – Try on uniforms and have a hands-on experience with medals, military chumash and siddurim as students can learn to analyze both Jewish and American military symbols.
Archival and material culture exploration (grades 9 and above) – Examine and analyze objects and primary sources from the museum: historic documents, photographs, and correspondence. Compare secondary and primary sources as students.
Special programs available at the museum for your group
We can customize a program based on your interests or curriculum. Examples include the Civil War or the Holocaust.
- Individual Profiles
- Profile: Aaron and Dan Schilleci
- Profile: Abe Johnson
- Profile: Alexander Goode
- Profile: Amram Cohen
- Profile: David Camden de Leon
- Profile: Edward Feldman
- Profile: Elkan Voorsanger
- Profile: Frances Slanger
- Profile: Gerald Fink
- Profile: Hank Greenberg
- Profile: Harry Ettlinger
- Profile: Hyman Goldberg
- Profile: Isadore Kahn
- Profile: Jack Miller
- Profile: Jacob Heckman
- Profile: Julius Adler
- Profile: Kate Karpeles
- Profile: Kenneth Rubin
- Profile: Larry Liss
- Profile: Leo Rosskamm
- Profile: Louis W. Freedman
- Profile: Marita Silverman
- Profile: Melvin Garten
- Profile: Miranda Bloch
- Profile: Mordecai Sheftall
- Profile: Phoebe Levy Pember
- Profile: Solomon Isquith
- Resources for Educators
- Traveling Displays